Tuesday, July 23, 2019

One section done

So I started with the section furthest from the door.  The 3-year-old has a tendency to see something new and want to go check it out immediately.  This way I'll have the second panel on before he demands to go outside and check it out!

I think I need to go over the closest edge with some more string so its not so jagged, but overall I'm impressed.  It took forever to get on though... 

I'm really glad I broke it up into 3 panels.  And the second is about halfway done!  I need to get my butt in gear and get it going.

Friday, July 5, 2019

My neighbors think I'm crazy.

So recently, I had an epiphany. 

It may be easier to make 3 different panels for this gigantic knitted project then just one long one.  I'm very glad I did.  I finished one panel and have put it on over the holiday!  I nearly dropped my tools off the balcony at least a dozen times, and had a yarn snap accident that actually worked out for the best.  So for the next panel, I'm dropping stitches around the edges.  I'm excited for panel 2.  My neighbors are not excited for the cursing.

Pictures to come.