Sunday, December 30, 2007

Bella Finished!

Yay it's done!

Ruffles, while pretty to look at and play with, are not fun to knit. They felt like they took forever, but I'm glad I did them because they look really nice and really finish the piece.

On to the pictures!

Modeling the finished project Front and Back:

Sorry for the goofy expression. Mom didn't
warn me when she was taking the picture.

Closeup of the lace sleeves and seed stitch border:

Finally, how it stays together! I didn't want it hanging open like in the original so I sewed buttons on to one side and they are small enough that they slip into the selvedge stitch on the other to keep it closed.

All in all I think it turned out really well, though I'm not sure it looks the greatest on me. I think it makes me look kind of chunky but my Mom and grandma assure me it looks great. I'll probably wear it anyway because I like to wear things I made, even if they look horrible.

The pattern was really easy to follow and I love the ruffles, even if they were a pain in the ass to knit. I really didn't have any problems except getting a little bored with the lace stitch and swearing at ruffles late into the night.

Once again, found the pattern here :

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